








Double Felt Grand

Normally, the highly coveted “felt piano” sound is achieved by draping a layer of felt vertically between the strings and the hammers of an upright piano. This softens the strikes and gives the upright piano a lovely, muted tone. Because of gravity, this technique is not feasible on a grand piano, since the hammers and strings are situated horizontally. The felt would simply lay on top of the hammers, preventing them from rising up to strike the strings. However, through careful experimentation, renowned piano tech Jim Wilson figured out just how to achieve this gorgeous muted sound on a remarkable 7-foot grand piano. After a great deal of thought, Jim ended up carefully cutting, fitting, and gluing two individual strips of a thick, natural felt to each hammer. The result is the unique Double Felt Grand: a warm, soft piano with the best aspects of a felt upright, but with the body and the decay of a grand.

Normally, the highly coveted “felt piano” sound is achieved by draping a layer of felt vertically between the strings and the hammers of an upright piano. This softens the strikes and gives the upright a lovely, muted tone. Because of gravity, this technique is not feasible on a grand piano, since the strings are situated horizontally. However, renowned piano tech Jim Wilson figured out how to achieve this gorgeous muted sound on a remarkable 7-foot grand piano. The result is a warm, soft piano with the best aspects of a felt upright, but with the body and the decay of a grand.