
Install Spectrasonics Instruments with Discs

If you have DVDs for your Spectrasonics instruments, you can follow the steps in this article to use them to install your instrument.

Please note: Some newer operating systems do not support installation via disk.

If you are on a supported operating system and have Omnisphere 2, Trilian, or Stylus RMX Xpanded, you can access an additional download from the reinstall tab of your user account. The additional download can be used to fully installe your instrument, rather than using the DVDs, and provides a much more convenient and reliable installation experience than the DVDs.

Depending on your operating system, you may want to install your instruments using the DVDs. To install Spectrasonics instruments using DVDs, insert disc one and follow the instructions as they appear on the screen. 

Depending on your operating system, when installing Omnisphere 1, Trilian, or Stylus RMX using DVDs, you will need to download and run the appropriate disc installer below. 


Trilian Disc Installer for OSX 10.6 - 10.14

Omnisphere 1 Disc Installer for OSX 10.6 - 10.11

Stylus RMX Disc Installer for OSX 10.7 - 10.14


Trilian Disc Installer for Windows Vista or later.

Omnisphere 1 Disc Installer for Windows Vista or later.

Alternatively, you can run disc installations on an older computer/operating system and transfer the relevant files to a newer computer following the steps in Option 2 of This Article.