
Error: SAGE import results...File is not a REX file

The error message below means that a file that is not a rex file was attempted to be converted. If you see this error, please review your rex folders and files to ensure that only REX files are included. Only convert folders that contain REX files.

If the library folder you are importing includes sub-folders, there can only be one level of sub-folders (also known as "suites"). For example, the following Library folder meets the criteria for importing:

In contrast, the Library folder seen below has one too many sub-folder levels and will not import successfully:

If the folder you are trying to import contains more than one sub-folder level, you'll need to manually reorganize the folder so that it meets the import criteria. 

Additionally, it is important to ensure names of the files/folders you are importing are organized in a way that meets the following criteria:

1. No more than 61 REX files per folder.

2. The names of the files being converted are not longer than 31 characters.

If you are still experiencing issues when importing, please try the steps in this article